Copper is a highly ductile metal that can easily be formed into tubes, pipes, wires, plates, sheets, and more. The metal’s thermal and electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance make it a popular choice for residential applications. Modern conveniences like plumbing, computer wiring, and audio equipment all rely on copper and copper alloys like brass and bronze to function efficiently and reliably. Sequoia Brass & Copper specializes in supplying oxygen-free copper—high-purity copper grades that improve upon the properties of standard copper metals.

Explore the diverse applications of copper alloys within a home:

Test Your Copper Knowledge

Test Your Copper Knowledge

How to play:

  • Explore the Room: Look around the room and click on everyday items.
  • Find Copper Products: Try to find which items use copper. For example, a phone’s circuit board contains copper.
  • Get Feedback:
    • Correct! If the item uses copper, you’ll hear a ding and see a pop-up showing where copper is used.
    • Try Again! If the item uses brass or bronze, you’ll hear a buzzer sound.
  • Keep Searching: Keep clicking until you’ve found all the copper products in the room.
  • Have Fun! Test your knowledge and learn about everyday uses of copper!
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